Ann Arbor fresh 48. newborn photographer

Fresh Baby Vivian | Ann Arbor Luxury Fresh 48 Newborn Photography

Fresh Baby Photography officially launched in Michigan last week and we’re so excited to share all about our first Fresh Baby!  Fresh Baby is Ann Arbor’s Luxury Fresh 48 hospital newborn photography service provider. We are not affiliated with any hospital, however, we serve families birthing at the University of Michigan’s Von Voigtlander Women’s Hospital.

fresh 48 photography

Sweet Baby Vivian has made history as the first of many babies to be photographed through Fresh Baby Photography. Her mom shares a snippet of her super fast birth story:

“It was June 29th, all day I was having intermittent cramp-like symptoms. I had similar symptoms the week prior and nothing came of them so I just assumed it was those Braxton-Hicks contractions that clinicians speak about.

I continued with my day per usual. When evening came my husband went to work—he’s a nurse who works the night shift—and I got my son, Isaac, to bed.

Around 11 pm my cramps started picking up. I told my husband around midnight that I was in a lot of pain, but still in denial that it was the real thing. It wasn’t until 1:40 am that I realized this may be the real thing. I started timing my contractions and realized they were 30 seconds long and only 1.5 minutes apart. I texted my husband “I think this is the real thing” at 1:52 am, reached out to a friend to pick Isaac up, and he was on his way to our friends by 2:24 am. At this point, I was by myself in full-blown labor, nearly in tears, and urging my husband to get home as soon as possible. There were multiple times I thought I might have to drive myself or call 911 to get to the hospital in time.

Dan, my husband, arrived home by 3 am. I already had my bag in the car, the car running, with the driver’s door open for my husband to jump in. We called my Doula, Sarah, on the way and told her the baby was coming very soon!

When we got to the hospital we went straight up to triage. I think not that I was in the hospital I finally let myself feel all things and let go (I really didn’t want to accidentally give birth at home or in the car). As soon as I got into the hospital bed the intensity of my contractions picked up tenfold. I was extremely nauseous, got sick a few times, and learned from the midwife I was already 7 cm dilated!!! I remember I kept crying for “any pin meds I could get”—knowing full well I was likely too late to get anything at this point. They immediately admitted me and transferred me to the birthing suite where I labored-unmedicated— for an additional hour, pushed for 20 minutes, and met my beautiful baby girl Vivian Patricia at 448am on June 30th.  I honestly never thought I’d be able to give birth unmedicated. But with the help of my husband, Sarah, and my Midwife (Whitney) I found the strength and did it!

The relief I felt at the end and the pure happiness I felt when first getting to hold and breastfeed my baby was unparalleled 🤍”

Ann Arbor newborn photographer

big brother holds sister fresh 48 photography

hospital fresh 48 newborn photography

u of m hospital newborn photos


Fresh Baby Photography serves families who are looking for more than the traditional way hospital portraits are taken. Our photographers are highly rated newborn photographers in the Ann Arbor area. Our clients love being a part of the planning process and receiving support prior to their session! We help with coordinating outfits and offer scheduled appointments.


Ready to reserve your Fresh 48 Hospital session? Book with us today! 


I am a wife, Mama of 4 + 2 bonus babies, adventure seeker, and chocolate lover!  I was born in Chicago, raised in Detroit, and currently living my best life here in Toledo.